Termékek egyéb gyógyszerek (89)

REGGA TOOL - szilikon és akril tömítőanyaghoz

REGGA TOOL - szilikon és akril tömítőanyaghoz

Enostavna uporaba REGGA TOOL orodja za DIY kupce. Lahko izbiramo med več dimenzijami, več opcijami pakiranja. Končni videz rezultata silikoniranja je odvisen od dimenzije in oblike REGGA TOOL. Na razpolago so ravne ali vbočene opcije.
REGGA TOOL - szilikon és akril tömítőanyaghoz

REGGA TOOL - szilikon és akril tömítőanyaghoz

Modra REGGA – gladilna šoba za izdelavo 3 mm tesnila, s konkavnim videzom. Oranžna REGGA – gladilna šoba za izdelavo 5 mm tesnila, s konkavnim videzom. Zelena REGGA – gladilna šoba za izdelavo 8 mm tesnila, s konkavnim videzom. Petrolej REGGA – gladilna šoba za izdelavo 3 mm tesnila, z ravnim videzom. Rdeča REGGA – gladilna šoba za izdelavo 5 mm tesnila, z ravnim videzom. Vijolična REGGA – gladilna šoba za izdelavo 8 mm tesnila, z ravnim videzom.


Our tool design service is at the forefront of innovation, offering bespoke solutions tailored to your specific requirements. We understand that every project is unique, and our team of expert designers is dedicated to creating tools that enhance efficiency and performance. Utilizing the latest design software and techniques, we ensure that each tool is optimized for functionality and ease of use. Our collaborative approach means that we work closely with our clients throughout the design process, ensuring that the final product aligns perfectly with their vision. Investing in our tool design service means gaining access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Our designers are not only skilled in the technical aspects of tool design but also have a deep understanding of the industries we serve. This allows us to create tools that are not only innovative but also practical and effective. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in tool design, delivering solutions that drive success and set new standards in the industry.
Többkamrás önbetöltő szerszám

Többkamrás önbetöltő szerszám

Construction, technical drawings, 3D files for multi cavity self loading tool. Robot loading 4 cavity nut at start of cycle.
Hegesztő szerszámok

Hegesztő szerszámok

Those are clamping tools that, under certain conditions, hold the elements together in specific positions, where they are then welded together by a welding robot. The clamping tool can be either pneumatic, electric or hydraulic. For the purpose of quality assurance, the tool is equipped with positioning sensors which send data to the welding robot to inform it about the appropriateness of wielding elements’ position. Welding tools are mainly used in the automotive industry for welding sheet metal, using the MIG/MAG method.
CNC acélfeldolgozás

CNC acélfeldolgozás

Small precision parts for electronic equipment. Our machined parts are used in: -the medical fields, -electronic equipment, -automotive industry, -aerospace, -intelligent robotics and -Industrial automation. Specialized in smaller productions has its own advantages. We individually devote ourselves to our partners. The advantages of this kind of cooperation is review of technical documentation before production and possible adjustments made beforehand, which leads to more affordable and better quality of the end-product, and consequently greater satisfaction of our partners.
Progresszív préselő szerszám

Progresszív préselő szerszám

Construction, technical drawings for progressive stamping tool were made.
Nyomásos öntőszerszám, zamak

Nyomásos öntőszerszám, zamak

Construction, calculations for mold flow, technical drawings were made for die casting tool (zamak). Advanced venting and runner design was used.
Nyomásos öntőszerszám, zamak

Nyomásos öntőszerszám, zamak

Construction, flow calculation, technical drawings for die casting tool with interchangeable side cores and interchangeable inserts. More inserts used in same tool to achieve lower manufacturing costs. All parts made for galvanization (chrome) process.
Alumínium nyomásos öntőszerszám

Alumínium nyomásos öntőszerszám

Orodje za tlačni liv aluminija
CNC finom megmunkálás gravírozott formákhoz

CNC finom megmunkálás gravírozott formákhoz

Z izkoriščanjem potencialov napredne 5 osne simultane tehnologije obdelave, smo sposobni proizvajati zahtevne orodne dele. Zmogljivosti: - obdelujemo obdelovance iz materiala vseh orodnih jekel - do velikosti plošče 1300 x 1200 x 900 mm - do teže 3.000 kg
Mélyvízi Erozió

Mélyvízi Erozió

Odločitev za investicijo v CNC potopno erozijo Gantry Eagle 1200 je le še dodatna potrditev, da podjetje resno uresničuje svojo usmeritev v proizvodnjo zahtevnih orodnih delov. Z lahkoto priznamo, da smo z našimi proizvodnim programom močno konkurenčni na domačem in tudi tujem trgu. Storitev potopnega erodiranja ponujamo tudi zunanjim uporabnikom. S storitvijo potopnega erodiranja smo nadgradili proces izdelave zahtevnih orodnih delov. S tem smo dosegli popolno neodvisnost od zunanjih kooperantov. To nam šteje v veliko prednost, saj je na podlagi tega, planiranje proizvodnega procesa popolnoma v naši domeni. Na podlagi takega planiranja se lažje in bolj učinkovito posvečamo zahtevam in željam naših cenjenih strank. Zmogljivosti: - Delovno območje 1000 x 1510 x 700 mm - Velikost bazena 1270 x 1770 x 680 mm - Nosilnost mize 7500 kg - Avtomatski menjalec orodij 30 elektrod - Krmilnik 64-bit Eagle Power Jump
CNC durva megmunkálás gravírozott formákhoz

CNC durva megmunkálás gravírozott formákhoz

Bogato opremljen strojni park nam omogoča sposobnost zadovoljevanja kupčevih še tako različnih potreb CNC obdelav. Zmogljivosti: - obdelujemo obdelovance iz materiala vseh orodnih jekel - do velikosti plošče 1500 x 1100 mm
CNC 5-tengelyes megmunkálás

CNC 5-tengelyes megmunkálás

Podjetje se je z investicijo v CNC 5 osni vertikalno obdelovalni center Hermle C 60U usmerilo v proizvodnjo zahtevnih orodnih delov. Z izkoriščanjem potencialov napredne 5 osne simultane tehnologije obdelave smo konkurenčni na področju izdelave zahtevnih delov orodij, kot tudi na področju izdelave posameznih kompleksnih komponent za orodja. Zmogljivosti: - do velikosti plošče 1300 x 1200 x 900 mm - do teže 3.000 kg
Nyomásos öntés

Nyomásos öntés

Die Casting
Nyomásos öntés

Nyomásos öntés

Die Casting


We produce tools for sheet metal transformation up to dimensions 3200 x 1800 mm and weight 12 t. We manufacture over-aggressive tools, deep-drawing tools and transfer tools. We produce tools with built-in feed systems with embossed nuts, bolts, pins, bearing bushes and threaded units specially programmed and connected to the press. Everything can be seen in the gallery.
Nyomásos öntés

Nyomásos öntés

Die Casting


Development and construction of tools in 3D environment.


We produce tools for sheet metal transformation up to dimensions 3200 x 1800 mm and weight 12 t. We manufacture over-aggressive tools, deep-drawing tools and transfer tools. We produce tools with built-in feed systems with embossed nuts, bolts, pins, bearing bushes and threaded units specially programmed and connected to the press. Everything can be seen in the gallery.
Nyomásos öntés

Nyomásos öntés

Die Casting


We produce tools for sheet metal transformation up to dimensions 3200 x 1800 mm and weight 12 t. We manufacture over-aggressive tools, deep-drawing tools and transfer tools. We produce tools with built-in feed systems with embossed nuts, bolts, pins, bearing bushes and threaded units specially programmed and connected to the press. Everything can be seen in the gallery.


Airbag rubber vulcanization tool for trucks. The special features of the tool are the replacement inserts, both written and designed. It can consist of 20 or more different pro Velikost:1200 x 1200 x 700


turning inserts for pressure diecasting components for SCR clean diesel technology exhaust components mounting sleeves prototypes sample and ramp up series


components for making tools for Rubber injection plastic injection high pressure aluminium injection moulding low pressure injection components for making cutting tools components and construction of clamping devices housings holders
Gépalkatrészek - Egyedi Gépalkatrészek Testreszabott Gyártása

Gépalkatrészek - Egyedi Gépalkatrészek Testreszabott Gyártása

Durch den Einsatz neuester Fertigungstechnologien und den hohen Wissensstand unserer Mitarbeiter stellen wir konstante Qualität und garantierte Lieferzeiten sicher. Wir fertigen Einzelstücke sowie Kleinserien aus einer breiten Auswahl verschiedener Materialien: Werkzeugstahl, Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing- und Bronzelegierungen sowie Plastik und Kunststoffe. Wir bieten auch Wärmebehandlungen an: - Nitrieren (Gas, Plasma, Carbo) - Vakuumhärten - Zementhärten - Induktionshärten... So wie Oberflächenschutz: - Verzinkung / Vernickeln - Eloxieren - Brüniren - Lackieren/Pulverbeschichten... Maximale Genauigkeit und kürzester Zeit.
CNC gép X-LINE - 3-tengelyes CNC gép

CNC gép X-LINE - 3-tengelyes CNC gép

The X-LINE is our high-performance CNC machine. It is designed for precision machining of aluminium, brass or plastic. It is suitable for companies and educational institutions involved in prototyping or small- scale production. With a safety enclosure, it's a compact machine with plenty of power and potential, which puts it at the very top of its class.
sírgarnitúra nyomásos alumínium öntéshez

sírgarnitúra nyomásos alumínium öntéshez

Na sliki je gravurni vložek za tlačno litje aluminija, ki ima do 70 mm globoka rebra, obdelana zgolj s CNC rezkanjem, da material ni prežgan. Kos je kaljen in obdelan v toleranci 0,03 mm.
CNC XPX-LINE - 3-tengelyes CNC gép

CNC XPX-LINE - 3-tengelyes CNC gép

The XPX-LINE model is a highly precise and powerful 3-axis CNC machine, specifically designed for machining soft materials such as plastics, aluminum, and various composites. It is equipped with components from leading manufacturers, including HIWIN for linear technology and DELTA for motion control, ensuring durability and excellent performance. User-Friendly control program UCCNC makes operating the machine exceptionally simple and easy.